How To Make A Clock In C Programming?

Creating a clock in a console-based C program involves updating the time continuously and displaying it on the console. You can use the <time.h> header to get the current time, and functions like printf for displaying it.…

How to make calendar in c programming

Creating a calendar in C programming involves manipulating dates, understanding the days of the week, and formatting the output. Here's a simple example of how you can create a basic calendar for a given month and year. In th…

C program to calculate simple interest

Here's a simple C program to calculate simple interest: # include <stdio.h> int main () { // Declare variables float principal, rate, time, simpleInterest; // Input principal amount, rate of interest…

C Program to Read the First Line From a File

To write a C program that reads the first line from a file, you can use the fgets function to read the content of the file line by line. Here's a C program that reads the first line from a file: #include <stdio.h> int …

C Program to Write a Sentence to a File

Writing to a file in C involves several steps: Include necessary header files: To work with files in C, you need to include the stdio.h header file, which provides functions like fopen , fwrite , and fclose for file operations…

C Program to Display Factors of a Number

Here is a C program that displays the factors of a given number: #include <stdio.h> int main() {     int number;          // Prompt the user to enter a number     printf("Enter a positive integer: ");     scanf(&q…

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